Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday in Basalt

Went up to Basalt for mass at St. Vincent's today as Fr. Terry was saying mass. Between masses we all cruised around the Farmer's Market and after the 12:30 mass joined up again for lunch on the river.

This lovely lady at one of the booths asked what I was taking pictures of. So I said, "You!" They both got a good laugh out of DH telling them they'd be "on the blog."

Fr. Terry wanted chocolate cake but not a whole piece.
DH wanted cheesecake but not a whole piece. I wanted nothing, but ate half of each! Mmmmmm.......

DH with his cowgirl.


Bella said...

Is that you, my Youngest Daughter???

The Uneducated Dapper Hat. said...

made my self a new blog, lets see if I can keep it up... :)

yammy said...

Couldn't you tell with the "dapper hat"?
That food looks yummmmmy! Were going to eat white castle right now!

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