Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas is Over

The tree is down and Christmas is packed up for this year, although our own wisemen made a hasty retreat the evening of the fire and have been safe inside their boxes for almost a week now. The figures in the photo belong to the set at church, although they are the same ones we have, just slightly larger.

Back in the day, when the children were younger -- and at home -- the wisemen used to make their way through the house starting Christmas day and ending up at the manger a couple weeks later. We do still preserve the tradition of Youngest Daughter putting Baby Jesus into the manger after Christmas Eve mass, but Dear Husband thinks it's odd to keep the Three Kings moving around the house. It's interesting to see what traditions we keep and which ones we let slip away as children grow up and move away.

1 comment:

yammy said...

When I went to Lamars aunts house, she had the same set, the bigger version.

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