Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Fun

Even though raccoons wreak havoc on our plum trees each fall, and we have to poop-scoop our roof, I still think they're adorable! (Put your cursor over the bottom of the picture to get the controls --- I think)


Shirley Marshall said...

Oh those racoons are so cute - thankyou for putting them on video Bella .... something we would never see here.

yammy said...

They are so cute no matter how destructive!! Except when they challenge one of my dogs to a dual, then I will kick some raccoon butt!!

Anonymous said...

why would you post this??? do you know what this dose to me. now I want one, with further research i found out they are legal in oregon..

Bella said...

Well, "anonymous" ---- you KNOW what will happen if you do get one! Love, Mama

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