Friday, August 10, 2007

A Gentleman?

The following account was in our local paper, The Post-Independent, this morning. It seems I hear the word "gentleman" used inappropriately quite frequently nowadays. Am I wrong in thinking that this man is NOT a gentleman?
A suspected drunk driver was arrested Monday afternoon after going on what police called a "banzai run" the wrong way up the Grand Avenue wing street off Seventh Street.

Michael Dufresne, 25, of Aspen was arrested on suspicion of driving under restraint, harassment, felony menacing, criminal mischief, false imprisonment, aggravated motor vehicle theft, reckless driving, DUI, hit-and-run and second- degree assault.

"Monday afternoon at about three, a gentleman decided that he would try making a banzai run up the wing street," Glenwood Springs Police Chief Terry Wilson said. Wilson said Dufresne was traveling the wrong way up the one-lane, one-way wing street next to the Grand Avenue bridge.Dufresne allegedly crashed a white Mercedes Benz SUV into one car under the bridge, severely damaging it and pushing it into two other cars that suffered lesser damage.

According to Wilson, a tourist couple came out from the Springs Bar from lunch to find their vehicle damaged by the suspected drunk driver and asked, "This doesn't happen here all the time does it?"
As for the tourist couple's question: "No folks, only when they let the gentlemen loose."

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